How to Write Your Perfect Wedding Vows
Couples writing their own wedding vows is becoming more and more common in favor of the traditional “Til death do us parts” nowadays. Whether couples choose to distance themselves from religion or simply don’t think the script expresses their love for one another, it’s not uncommon to attend a wedding where the vows are of a homegrown variety.

But writing one’s own vows can be much harder than it looks. You can either come up with enough pages to fill a tome or find yourself with so much to say you have no idea what to write down and end up completely stumped. That’s why we’ve created this guide to writing the perfect wedding vows.
Start here:
Make it personal from the get-go.
When writing your own wedding vows, start by making it as personal as possible at the very beginning. Make a statement about who your partner is to you - whether that’s your best friend, love of your life, or perhaps both. Let your partner know how much they mean to you.
Address what you love about your partner.
A wedding is a big deal - it’s a promise you are going to love this person forever! So take the time to delve into what you love about your partner. If you want to walk through your love story, or talk about when you realized you wanted to spend your life together, here is a great time to do so. Don’t go into too many details - just the ones that stand out. You have a lifetime to tell your partner everything, but only a few hours for the ceremony!
Make your promises.
Your vows should contain the promises you are making to your partner - maybe it’s not to love, cherish, and obey, but lay out some specific ways you promise to love your partner. Maybe you promise to always support them, or to always dry the dishes after you watch them. Be funny, be sweet, but make sure you’re expressing how much you love your partner.
Incorporate inside jokes.
Your wedding can sometimes feel like it’s more about other people than you. Your vows are your chance to bring it back to what it’s all about: getting to spend the rest of your life with your one true love! Make your vows funny using inside jokes or saying so your partner knows you’re truly only thinking about them in the moment.
Add some romance.
But don’t forget that these are wedding vows, so you have our full permission to be as cheesy as you want. Every platitude about your partner you’ve ever thought but haven’t said, now is the time!
Don’t forget to reassure your partner.
An important promise to include in your vows is to reassure your partner that you’ll be there even through the hard times. This is the spirit of “in sickness and in health”, even if you don’t use those exact words.
Make plans for the future.
Towards the end of your vows, mention specific goals, aspirations, and plans for the future. What will you do together, and how will your love carry through? Mention what you’re looking forward to sharing with the love of your life.
Make it eternal.
Wrap up your vows with the promise to love your spouse forever, until death do you part.