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Wedding Website URL Ideas: Find the Perfect Big Day Domain
Our service has assisted tens of thousands of couples worldwide in planning their dream weddings!
Let Us Guide You Towards the Perfect Domain for Your Wedding Website
We believe a personal wedding website is almost a must for any modern couple planning their special day. As it offers the ability to quickly put together all the important information about their upcoming celebration in one place, accessible by everyone with a unique wedding website URL. And it's this special domain extension we're talking about today! Because we've found that so many couples struggle to come up with wedding website URL ideas, or simply don't know what they should call their custom domain.
If you're currently fresh out of website domain inspiration, or would simply like a little advice on best practice when choosing one - we're got the information you need. Keep scrolling, and we'll help you build a URL for your wedding website that's easy to understand, matches your personality and helps wedding guests quickly access your stunning website!
What is a Wedding Website URL?
For those of you unsure what it is we're actually talking about, don't worry, not everyone comes across phrases like 'custom domain' and 'website URL' in their daily lives. To put it simply, a wedding website URL is the unique internet address for your site. For example, we offer a free wedding website builder, and this is how our domains typically look - https://planning.wedding/website/sarah-and-sunjay. We actually offer three different options of domain structure, but for now, let's just concentrate on this one.
The unique part of this wedding domain is the last part, highlighted here in bold - https://planning.wedding/website/sarah-and-sunjay. This part of your wedding website domain name is fully customizable by you, and can be literally anything you want. The rest, however, stays the same.
Build your wedding website
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- Let Us Guide You Towards the Perfect Domain for Your Wedding Website
- What is a Wedding Website URL?
- Tips for Finding the Perfect Name for Your Wedding Website
- Make Your Wedding Website After Naming it
- Firstly, your custom domain URL could get taken by another couple.
- Pick your domain name with a clear mind
- Keep Your Wedding Website Name Simple
- Make Your URL Short
- Wedding Website URL Ideas
- Your First Name's
- Debut Your New Last Name
- Include Your Wedding Date
- Create Your Unique Wedding Website URL for Free
Tips for Finding the Perfect Name for Your Wedding Website
Make your wedding URL easy to find and (potentially) fun with our expert website naming advice.
Design a wedding website
Make Your Wedding Website After Naming it
It's tempting to leave the task of finding a name for your beautiful wedding website until after it's created, but we'd advise against that. Here's why;
Firstly, your custom domain URL could get taken by another couple.
Our free wedding website builder is extremely popular, and even though we offer three different wedding site naming options, sometimes URLs get snapped up before couples can claim them. This often happens when couples have common names. If you feel like you fall into that category, don't delay. Claim your wedding website name today. Then come back to creating your site if you're not quite ready to do it yet.
Pick your domain name with a clear mind
The process of creating a wedding website with our builder is so straightforward, and will allow you to create a live site within minutes. But most couples like to spend a lot longer than a few moments putting together their site. Typically spending days searching through photo albums for the perfect background shot, and carefully writing heartfelt introductions and practical instructions for their loved ones. A creatively demanding process that may not leave much in the tank for actually naming the site.
Come up with wedding website name ideas at the very beginning of the build, and decide on 'the one' before you start creating your site. With our site builder, you can change, or edit your chosen domain later on in the process if you prefer a different name. But by brainstorming names first, you should find that you're much more creative than you will be towards the end of the website build.
Create your wedding website
PLANNING . WEDDING — is easy to remember and even easier to use.
Keep Your Wedding Website Name Simple
If you're anything like us, you've lost countless wedding invitations before the big day, and subsequently thanked your lucky stars that the marrying couple put all their invite info on their wedding website. But if the address of your site is overly complicated, random or spelled strangely - guests like us will never find it...
Be it a wedding hashtag, or a wedding website name, simple is always best. Make things as easy as possible by keeping your URL straightforward, and easy to remember. And in turn, you should avoid getting any messages from confused family members struggling to access your long and complicated domain.
Make Your URL Short
A lot of our wedding planning couples actually use our free QR code generator to avoid guests ever needing to actually type out their website name. Which really helps guests quickly access the information they need. But that doesn't mean you now have free rein to come up with a wacky, or overly long URL. Assuming that it will never be typed - because that may not be the case.
Those not overly tech-savvy may not want, or be able to use your QR code and will need to type out your full domain name. Furthermore, not everyone will be accessing your wedding website on their phones, preferring instead to view your site on their computer. Which will require typing out the domain, or using our search tool.
We urge you to get creative with your URL, but keep it short and straightforward to avoid any confusion.
Build your wedding website
Wedding Website URL Ideas
Now's we've got the dos and don'ts out of the way, it's time to start dreaming up a creative wedding website name! Here's our suggestions for a successful big day domain name.
Your First Name's
We've found that a simple first name template is the most popular way for couples to name their website. As it's easy to remember and straight to the point.
This style of URL typically features an 'and' in-between the two first names, i.e /chris-and-sean. But if you prefer the look, and simplicity of just having your names, feel free to drop the 'and'. It'll probably make the domain easier for guests to remember, and will be quicker to type anyway.
The use of hyphens is also a personal preference, and will depend on how you think the URL looks with or without them. For us, we feel they make an address easier to understand visually, and would suggest using them. But can totally see why couples choose to ditch them.
Here are a few examples of first name domain name's to give you an idea;
- https://submit.rsvp/rachel-and-sean
- https://submit.rsvp/rachel-sean
- https://submit.rsvp/rachelandsean
- https://submit.rsvp/rachelsean
Debut Your New Last Name
What better place to introduce loved ones to your new last name than with your wedding website domain! Whether it's you, or your partner taking the other's last name, it can be fun to test out the new surname and see how it sounds.
This template is also nice and easy to remember because in our experience, loved ones have been calling us by that name for years anyway, regardless of marriage! 'Hey, are we seeing the Donaldson's this weekend?'. 'Have you heard that the Sarkar's have moved house?'. You get the picture!
For those choosing the hyphenated last name route, this is your perfect opportunity to get guests used to the idea. Especially the older ones, as this approach to marital naming is still considered modern by some.
Here are a few examples of last name domain name's to give you an idea;
- https://planning.wedding/website/the-smiths
- https://planning.wedding/website/thesmiths
- https://planning.wedding/website/the-jones-smiths
- https://planning.wedding/website/thejonessmiths
Include Your Wedding Date
We've found that couples, friends, and families love to revisit their wedding website long after the special day. To reminisce, share photos, or look up the registry. Wedding websites become much more than just portals for information post-nuptials, they become a time capsule. Therefore, it makes sense to mark your site with the wedding year. An addition that'll give your guests excited anticipation in the lead up to the event, and historically place the domain after the event.
Here are a few examples of wedding website name's with the year included to give you an idea;
- https://we.are.planning.wedding/susanandlisa2025
- https://we.are.planning.wedding/susan-and-lisa-2025
- https://we.are.planning.wedding/thepatels2026
- https://we.are.planning.wedding/the-patels-2026
Create Your Unique Wedding Website URL for Free
We hope we've inspired your wedding website ideas, and given you a few pointers on things to avoid when registering a domain. If you feel ready to make your website, head over to our builder, where you'll find everything you need to start creating the best wedding website! And it's all completely free! Including your own unique URL.
What are you waiting for? Set up a website today that reflects your future celebrations and gives your guest list all the information they need about your wedding day. It's simple to use, fast, and won't cost you a penny.
The Ultimate Guide to a Free and Fabulous Wedding Website
Discover everything you need to know about building a beautiful wedding website — without spending a dime. Learn expert tips for crafting your perfect “Our Story,” handling RSVPs (including how to politely say “no” to plus ones), finding a memorable domain name, and even searching for other couples’ sites. From invitations to personal touches, this all-in-one guide makes it easy to plan, create, and share your dream wedding website with confidence.
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