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Find a Couple's Wedding Website Instantly with Our Easy Search
Our service has assisted tens of thousands of couples worldwide in planning their dream weddings!
We Share How to Easily Locate a Registry or Wedding Website
The couple getting married think they've got a lot on their plate. But wedding planning is a breeze compared to finding the perfect outfit for a Spring celebration? Right!? There's so much to consider. Will I be warm enough in the evening? Not too hot during the day? Will my color choices coordinate with the theme? We, as guests, have a lot to think about! So we can be forgiven for maybe misplacing the wedding invitation, or not being able to find the wedding website... It happens.
If you're currently panicking about not being able to find gift registry information, or you need to RSVP right away, don't worry. We've got an easy-to-use tool that'll help you search for a couple's wedding website in seconds. And all it requires is the most basic of details from you.
Avoid Reaching Out to the Couple or Family for Information
When you realize your invite is nowhere to be found, or you didn't bookmark the wedding website and registry, it's tempting to just pick up the phone and ask for the info. This, however, is certainly not what we'd suggest you should do! The last thing the soon-to-be happy couple need right now is to be re-sending you their wedding day information. They will be so busy working through their wedding planning checklist, and organizing their honeymoon. All the while juggling the challenges of normal life.
The beauty of a thoughtfully put together wedding website is that guests can directly access all the information about the special day in one place, online. Meaning you, as a loved one, needn't worry about losing your save the date card. Because our wedding website search will help you find the facts in a couple of clicks.
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- We Share How to Easily Locate a Registry or Wedding Website
- Avoid Reaching Out to the Couple or Family for Information
- How to Find a Couple's Wedding Website
- Our Wedding Website Finder
- Important Wedding Website Information You'll Need
- Late RSVPs
- The Wedding Registry
- The Vital Details
- The Accommodation and Travel Information
- Fun Stuff
- Use Our Quick Search to Find a Couple's Wedding Website
How to Find a Couple's Wedding Website
Webreak down precisely how to find a couple's wedding website and registry page using our free finder. Alongside the details to look out for and note down once you've found it. Guaranteeing you look super organized compared to the rest of the guest list, and avoid contacting the guys getting hitched!
Design a wedding website
Our Wedding Website Finder
If you know your friend or family member has made their wedding website with us, but you don't have the URL, we have made it easy to find them. Simply click on the 'search for a couple' tool below, and then enter the first and last names of either member of the marrying couple. Hit search, and their wedding website will appear in the search results. It's that simple!
In seconds, you'll have access to all the wedding particulars, and easily add yourself to the list of confirmed attendees. Not sure what else you should be taking note of? Keep scrolling, and you'll find our tips on what to look out for on an online wedding invitation.
Important Wedding Website Information You'll Need
We share the details you need to pay attention to on a custom wedding page, and why certain pieces of information are so vital in the lead up to celebrations.
Create your wedding website
PLANNING . WEDDING — is easy to remember and even easier to use.
Late RSVPs
If, like us, you have planned a wedding, you'll know how nail-bitingly stressful late RSVPs can be. Not knowing the exact number of guests attending your wedding causes no end of problems, and can massively delay some vendors. Caterers in particular need to know how many plates of food should be prepared, and whether certain allergies or diets need to be catered for. Without that information, they cannot provide you, as a guest, with a wonderful wedding experience.
Essentially, what we're saying is, do the RSVP ASAP! We know not everyone can be 100% sure of their attendance as soon as they receive an invitation. Especially if there is travel involved, or the wedding falls on a weekday. But just try to consider the couple planning their wedding, and be proactive about checking your availability. Instead of filing the request away in the 'sometime soon' pile.
The RSVP process is integrated within our wedding sites as standard, for free. And the options you'll find on a customized page have been selected specifically for you. Meaning you can't go wrong when confirming your RSVP status, and it can be completed in seconds.
Build your wedding website
The Wedding Registry
We love to give wedding gifts, but every so often we struggle to find the perfect present, especially if we're not super close to those getting married. Which is why a wedding registry is so useful. You know that everything on their list is something the couple needs, or wants in their life. Which removes any trepidation surrounding the search for the perfect gift.
You should not feel obliged to shop from the wedding registry, and if you know your loved ones would benefit from something outside the list, then feel free to take the plunge. However, a solid wedding registry is certainly the safest option, and should offer guests the perfect wedding gift purchase, no matter their budget. As a well-thought-out bridal registry should offer presents with a wide range of price tags to ensure everyone has an opportunity to give.
The Vital Details
There are a few key details that can make or break your wedding experience as a guest, and determine whether you'll even make it to the big day at all! You should find these vital pieces of information on the wedding homepage, and this is the first place you should be looking before bothering the couple tying the knot.
Here is the essential information you'll need when attending a wedding;
- Wedding date
- Time of the wedding
- Location of ceremony and reception
- Dress code
If you're close to the marrying couple, or a part of the wedding party, it's likely you'll be invited to other events such as the bridal shower or rehearsal dinner. The details of which will have likely been sent out separately to avoid confusion for other guests.
The Accommodation and Travel Information
We love the thrill of finding a great deal on accommodation! But when it comes to hotel stays for wedding weekends, the marrying couple have probably secured you the best possible price, or paid for your accommodation.
It's typical for hotels to offer couples a block booking for their wedding guests at a discounted rate, as it's an easy, guaranteed way to fill their rooms. The rates offered are often far below those you'd find online, and in our experience, well worth taking advantage of. Especially if celebrations are taking place within the same establishment.
If numerous guests are traveling to and from the same place to attend the wedding, it's also possible that transportation will have been arranged on your behalf. This is not so common, but you should expect transport to and from the venues. Be sure to note down this information, especially the timings of pick-ups, as this will help you plan out the logistics of your weekend.
Fun Stuff
Couples keen to ensure their loved ones thoroughly enjoy every moment of the festivities surrounding the big day, will typically curate a list of events, or activities that can be enjoyed when not at official celebrations. Local landmarks, great places to eat/drink and events going on around the time of the wedding are all good things to look out for. Especially if you're short on time in the lead up to the wedding, or don't want the pressure of suggesting somewhere to your friends!
Our wedding website builder offers the functionality to share local recommendations easily with guests, alongside the ability to customize the space to suit any theme. Ideal when you want to engage guests quickly, and ensure they know there's plenty to do when not raising a glass to the happy couple.
Use Our Quick Search to Find a Couple's Wedding Website
You are one click away from finding your friend or family member's beautiful website! Click here to use our quick search tool, and discover why so many of the guest list have been telling how great the site is! Before you know it, you'll be browsing the baby registry, checking out the gorgeous soft pink theme and answering the RSVP. Do it now!
The Ultimate Guide to a Free and Fabulous Wedding Website
Discover everything you need to know about building a beautiful wedding website — without spending a dime. Learn expert tips for crafting your perfect “Our Story,” handling RSVPs (including how to politely say “no” to plus ones), finding a memorable domain name, and even searching for other couples’ sites. From invitations to personal touches, this all-in-one guide makes it easy to plan, create, and share your dream wedding website with confidence.
We offer an international wedding planner service, open to all. Soon we hope to make our software available in all languages, so far, we have created versions for these languages: